Thursday, December 9, 2010

First Adoption blog

Its no secret that I am a birth mother, I talk and tweet about it quit frequently. I'm not ready to talk about my adoption experiences with my two children. But that will happen soon enough.  

Like most couples when we stated ttc( trying to conceive) and found out we could not naturally, we heard why don't you just adopt? For us that was our first option we choose to become parents. This does not work for every person or couple. Not every person is made to be an adoptive parent. It takes a certain person to be an adoptive parent. We wanted to be parents and adoption was and is the parenting experience that has worked best for us.

When we went threw thee adoption experience we took alot of classes and in one class we were handed material on positive and negative adoption language. It is my hope that one day every person will use positive adoption language. Nothing gets me fired up more than to read or hear that a birth mother "GAVE UP HER CHILD". Birth mothers never give up or forget!
( Igot this from another Birth mothers blog)
Positive language 

Biological parent 
Birth child 
My child 

Born to unmarried parents
Terminate parental rights
To parent
Waiting child
Biological father

Making contact with
International adoption
Adoption triad
Permission to sign a release
Child placed for adoption
Court termination
Child with special needs
Child from abroad
Was adopted

Negative language

Real parent
Natural parent
Own child
Adopted child; Own child
IllegitimateGive up
Give away
To keep
Adoptable child; Available child
Adoptive parent
Foreign adoption
Adoption triangle
Track down parents
An unwanted child
Child taken away
Handicapped child
Foreign child
Is adopted

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